Tuesday, April 8, 2008

we don't care

Most recent piece. It is pretty large at around 4 by 2 feet, which is rare for me to work at this size and be happy with it. It is called "We Don't Care" and was finished for the Montserrat College of Art Open House '08. It was a very complex piece that I planned out for some time before actually even starting to paint. I created the background wallpaper design with copyright free images that I have ( thank you Fred) and then used a real piece of wood molding in the middle. The little boy was painted on cardboard and glued to the surface and the mask was also cardboard and fixated in front but not touching the boys face. I think with the success of this piece I might start making a few more involving children with monster mask getting into mischief

barry bonds

This was my third piece and was also shown at "Revolution" in CA. It is called "Barry Bonds"

My following piece was not as successful but gave me a chance to learn more techniques and continue growing in this style.

crack music

After my digital phase I began working on hand painted pieces. I began in the fall of '07 and this is my first one and thankfully I took pictures of the process. The piece is called "Crack Music" and was shown at Mauve for their show "Revolution" in Newport Beach, CA.

Monday, April 7, 2008

During the summer of '07 I continued with the digital art but expanded more on the design of the pieces. (The first two for some reason have parts that have had the colors inverted and I am working on fixing that problem)

On top of those two areas of art I also worked on some fashion design work and created designs for tee shirts that I ended up printing and also putting in my Thesis show. I created a label called "Black Infinity" and based the designs around metal rock music.

Besides the digital art I also worked on character design and played around with the idea of recreating some classic comic and cartoon icons. These were also part of my Senior Thesis